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August Movement Challenge


Welcome to the first NSSTA Women’s Caucus - Movement Challenge. Throughout the month of August, we hope you will join us for a

30 for 31 day movement challenge.

What is the 30 for 31 day challenge?

For the whole month of August, we’ll aim to complete 3 miles (walk, jog, or run) OR 30 min of movement. Every. Single. Day.

While it sounds simple, it does not promise to be easy. The goal of this challenge is to create a consistent effort. When we do something daily, it eventually becomes a part of our lifestyle. By the end, we hope you will walk away with a sense of accomplishment and a newfound love for movement.

Can I do the challenge throughout the day? YES! Breaking up the 3 miles or 30 min of movement throughout the day, is not only acceptable it’s encouraged! Getting up from our desks and moving our bodies is offering yourself moments of self-care throughout the day. Is there a Buddy System? We get it, getting started can be hard. Join our Movement Challenge Facebook group, where you can find a buddy, get ideas on how to get moving or sign up to get notified for our group peloton rides!

Do I need to be Social Media Savvy to participate? Not a gif guru - don’t sweat it; we’ve covered you. We’ll be sharing our 3 for 31 calendars and tracking our progress along the way.

You can take a snapshot of the calendar to share in your story & post your daily accomplishments OR simply comment on our posts via your favorite social media outlet with the #WC3for31 or tag us @nsstawomenscaucus. Will Run for Ice Cream… Motivation is always a treat, and we’re here for you! Upon completion of the Movement Challenge, we’ll be celebrating 3 lucky participants with these exciting prizes: Yoga Mat • Healthy Eating Cookbook • Water Bottle

Remember self-care is not selfish. These moments of movement will build upon each other to help you create (or recreate) a healthy active lifestyle! We Can't Wait to Get Moving With You!


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